February 24, 2024
Every single effort, every single achievement, every single success is the “Start of Something BIG” and THIS is our theme for the 2024 Mansfield Black History Parade tentatively slated for February 24, 2024!!
Mansfield is rich in historical “Firsts” where ordinary citizens become outstanding “Heroes” in our community by breaking barriers and shattering ceilings especially when it was not “allowed” in American society. Not only did they make their way into previously forbidden areas of professions but bravely set the standards and excelled in their various attainments opening closed doors for our posterity.
We are proud of our local Champions, both past and present, near and far and we will honor all during our FIRST Mansfield Black History Parade! Be sure to JOIN US on 2/24/24 because we know THIS is definitely the “Start of Something BIG”.
Mark your calendar for this 'First' annual event. More details to come. FOLLOW THEM ON FACEBOOK
Mansfield Black History Month Parade
115 North Washington Avenue
Mansfield, LA 71052
DeSoto Parish