Annual Barber Sand Bass Tournament

Annual Barber Sand Bass Tournament
March 8, 2025

Come out March 8, 2025 for the Barber Sand Bass Jackpot, an annual event held on the Sabine River at the head of Toledo Bend Reservoir on the Louisiana / Texas state line. Each year beginning sometime in February/March and continuing into the spring months, the Sand Bass (or White Bass) begin their annual spawning run up the river.

It's this annual event that brings anglers of all ages and walks of life to Logansport in an attempt to entice this hard-fighting fish to take their bait. And a fancy boat isn't a requirement to enjoy the fishing. On any given day you'll find people along the riverfront sitting in chairs, on ice chests, and at the seawall casting lines with hopes of hooking that “Big One”. But, of course, there are always countless boats on the river with that exact same goal in mind.

It's from this yearning to catch the Sand Bass from the waters of the Sabine that the Annual Barber Sand Bass Jackpot began. Over the years, the tournament has not only grown by attracting teams from North Louisiana and East Texas but also many teams from far beyond. Come join in on the excitement!

!!Sign up Now - Official Online Entry Forms!!

Annual Barber Sand Bass Tournament
Logansport River Front Veterans Blvd
Logansport, LA 71049
DeSoto Parish